- We use cookies in relation to your use of the Site. 我们通过cookie追踪您使用本网站的情况。
- in relation to your needs. 关于您的需要
- You are only slightly underweight for (ie in relation to) your height. 按你的身高来说,你体重仅稍轻一点儿。
- I have nothing to say in relation to that matter. 关于那件事,我没什么好说的。
- When taking diagonal falls, pay attention to the rope in relation to your feet. 当你呈斜线下降的时候,要留意绳与两脚的位置关系。
- The applied science of soils in relation to crops. 土壤学和作物相关的应用土壤学
- In relation to your memo yesterday, we will have a short meeting with all employees. 关于你昨天的备忘录,我们要跟所有的员工开个短会。
- Similarly, an obstacle only seems daunting in relation to your personal resourcefulness. 同样的,阻碍只有在与你的个人资源丰富程度比较时才会让人畏缩。
- Certainly you’d want to adjust the sizes of your weekends to reflect their relative importance in relation to your weekdays. 你肯定想调整周末栏的大小,以反映它相对于工作日的重要性。
- To say that you are located at a certain place in New York City is to specify your position in relation to your surroundings. 我们说一个人在纽约市某处,说是指明了他相对于周围环境的位置。
- They can both be used in relation to distance. 这两个词均可用以表示距离。
- You should be prepared to talk knowledgeably about the requirements of the position for which you are applying in relation to your own professional experiences and interests. 你应该准备有见地地去谈论你所求职位对求职者的要求,与你自身的职业经历和个人兴趣之间的联系。
- In what way does it relate to your current career? 这跟您目前的职业有何关联呢?。
- Prices seem high in relation to wages. 和工资比起来,价格似乎较高。
- Your state of health can as such be a deciding factor in determining whether or not you are covered by the travel insurance in relation to your specific chronic disease. 旅行保险是否会就您具体的慢性病症给予赔付,您的健康状况是决定性因素。
- How do we live in relation to each other? 我们和其他人之间存在着怎么样的关系?
- Your objective is to think about your coming interview in relation to your current career progression. If you accomplish that you will be way ahead of most of your peers. 你的目的是思考你将要面对的面试与你此刻的职业进展的内在联系。如果你做到了那么你就等于比你同样的人成功了一半之多。
- Use this view to display items in relation to time. 使用此视图显示与时间有关的项目。
- The parent must pay any additional authorised (or necessary unauthorised ) expenses in relation to your child. Prior written authorisation will be obtained where possible. 父母或法定监护人必须向监护人中心缴纳由于特别要求而发生附加的费用。
- The applied scienceof soils in relation to crops. 土壤学和作物相关的应用土壤学。